

Brutality - When the sky turns black (1994)

Brutality - When the sky turns black (1994)

Brutality - When the sky turns black (1994)

01 - When the sky turns black 03:48
02 - Race defects 04:46
03 - Awakening 02:21 instrumental
04 - Electric funeral (versión de Black Sabbath) 04:57
05 - Foul lair 05:54
06 - Screams of anguish 04:09
07 - Esoteric 02:08 instrumental
08 - Artistic butchery 05:05
09 - Violent generation 04:15 instrumental
10 - Shrine of the master 04:37


Jeff Acres bajo, voz
Don Gates guitarra
Scott Reigel voz principal
Bryan Hipp (D.E.P. 2006) guitarra
Jim Coker batería

Disembodied records edita DR-039

Lanzamiento julio 1994

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  1. https://ulozto.net/hledej?q=Brutality%20-%20When%20the%20sky%20turns%20black%20%281994%29
