

Mejores discos de powerviolence y grindcore

Mejores discos de powerviolence y grindcore

Mejores discos de powerviolence y grindcore

xHostagex - Relentless persecution (2014)

Goolagoon - Patrickviolence demo (2015)

Water Torture - Shellfire! (2012)

P.L.F. - Devious persecution and wholesale slaughter (2013)

Plague Widow - Plague Widow (2012)

Kill the Client - Set for extinction (2010)

Magrudergrind - Crusher (2012)

Gets Worse - L.S.P.V. (2017)

No/Mas - Raíz del mal (2018)

Agents of Abhorrence - Relief (2013)

Bea$ters - Intrinsically worthless (2018)

Sick/Tired - Highlife (2010)

Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the grand destroyer (2010)

Noisear - Subvert the dominant paradigm (2011)

Sex Prisoner - Sex prisoner (2010)

Napalm Death - Apex predator - Easy meat (2015)

Priapus - Air loom (2011)

Deterioration - Lupara bianca (2018)

Rotten Sound - Cursed (2011)

No One Knows What the Dead Think - No One Knows What the Dead Think (2019)

Fiend - Derailed (2014)

Chainsaw To the Face - Chainsaw To the Face (2010)

ACxDC - Antichrist demoncore (2014)

Cellgraft - External habitation (2010)

Mother Brain - Straight to business (2012)

Split - Needful Things & Compulsion to kill (2014)

Split - Meth Leppard & Minimum Wage Assassins (2018)

Full of Hell & Merzbow - Full of Hell & Merzbow (2014)

Warfuck - Hype comes & goes (2016)

Death Toll 80K - Harsh realities (2011)

Listado parcial de mejores discos de powerviolence y grindcore 2010-2019
Elaborado por decibelmagazine

1 comentario:

  1. Death Toll 80K - Harsh realities (2011) https://deathtoll80k.bandcamp.com/album/harsh-realities

    Warfuck - Hype comes & goes (2016) https://warfuck.bandcamp.com/album/hype-comes-goes-2

    Full of Hell & Merzbow - Full of Hell & Merzbow (2014) https://fullofhell.bandcamp.com/album/full-of-hell-merzbow

    Split - Meth Leppard & Minimum Wage Assassins (2018) https://methleppard666.bandcamp.com/album/meth-leppard-minimum-wage-assassins-split-2018

    Split - Needful Things & Compulsion to kill (2014) https://psychocontrolrecords.bandcamp.com/album/psycho-021-needful-things-compulsion-to-kill-split

    Mother Brain - Straight to business (2012) https://motherbrain666.bandcamp.com/album/straight-to-business-7

    Cellgraft - External habitation (2010) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2lNmFt9ltU

    ACxDC - Antichrist demoncore (2014) https://acxdc.bandcamp.com/album/antichrist-demoncore

    Chainsaw To the Face - Chainsaw To the Face (2010) https://chainsawtotheface.bandcamp.com/album/self-titled

    Fiend - Derailed (2014) https://fiendgrind.bandcamp.com/album/derailed-ep

    No One Knows What the Dead Think - No One Knows What the Dead Think (2019) https://nooneknowswhatthedeadthink.bandcamp.com/album/no-one-knows-what-the-dead-think

    Rotten Sound - Cursed (2011) https://rottensound.bandcamp.com/album/cursed-deluxe-edition

    Deterioration - Lupara bianca (2018) https://deterioration.bandcamp.com/album/lupara-bianca

    Priapus - Air loom (2011) https://priapusgrind.com/album/air-loom

    Napalm Death - Apex predator - Easy meat (2015) https://animaterecords.bandcamp.com/album/napalm-death-apex-predator-easy-meat

    Sex Prisoner - Sex prisoner (2010) https://a389recordings.bandcamp.com/album/sex-prisoner-tannhauser-gate

    Noisear - Subvert the dominant paradigm (2011) https://noisear.bandcamp.com/album/subvert-the-dominant-paradigm

    Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the grand destroyer (2010) https://circleofdeadchildren.bandcamp.com/album/psalm-of-the-grand-destroyer

    Sick/Tired - Highlife (2010) https://sick-tired.bandcamp.com/album/highlife-12-lp

    Bea$ters - Intrinsically worthless (2018) https://beastersgrind.bandcamp.com/

    Agents of Abhorrence - Relief (2013) https://psychocontrolrecords.bandcamp.com/album/psycho-017-agents-of-abhorrence-relief-lp

    No/Mas - Raíz del mal (2018) https://hpgd.bandcamp.com/album/ra-z-del-mal

    Gets Worse - L.S.P.V. (2017) https://getsworse.bandcamp.com/

    Magrudergrind - Crusher (2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhOCUlMWA8M

    Kill the Client - Set for extinction (2010) https://killtheclient.bandcamp.com/album/set-for-extinction

    Plague Widow - Plague Widow (2012) https://plaguewidow.bandcamp.com/album/plague-widow

    P.L.F. - Devious persecution and wholesale slaughter (2013) https://www35.zippyshare.com/v/45976597/file.html

    Water Torture - Shellfire! (2012) https://grindcorekaraoke.bandcamp.com/album/shellfire

    Goolagoon - Patrickviolence demo (2015) https://goolagoonhc.bandcamp.com/album/patrickviolence-demo

    xHostagex - Relentless persecution (2014)
