21 de mayo de 2023

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

Extreme Noise Terror - A holocaust in your head (1989)

01 - Statement 02:12
02 - Deceived 02:09
03 - Take the strain 01:44
04 - Conned thru life 01:50
05 - We the helpless 00:59
06 - Show Us You Care 03:07
07 - Innocence to ignorance 01:33
08 - Use your mind 02:11
09 - Murder 02:19
10 - Another nail in the coffin 01:43
11 - Raping the earth 01:30
12 - Bullshit propaganda 02:16
13 - If your only in it for the music (S.O.D. off!) 02:11


3 comentarios:

  1. https://gozofinder.com/cse/ulozto/cz?query=Extreme+Noise+Terror+-+A+holocaust+in+your+head+%281989%29

  2. https://candlelightrecordsuk.bandcamp.com/album/a-holocaust-in-your-head

  3. http://www.mediafire.com/file/af9shqrunus9a8d/1989_-_A_Holocaust_In_Your_Head_jovenesdeskontentos.blogspot.com.rar/file
