21 de mayo de 2023

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

01 - The stench of burning death 01:34
02 - Eaten alive 01:39
03 - Acid bath 01:31
04 - Slaughter of the innocent 01:33
05 - Decomposed 01:22
06 - Radiation sickness 02:05
07 - Splattered cadavers 01:26
08 - Festering boils 01:53
09 - Pestilent decay 01:05
10 - Crematorium 01:30
11 - Driven to insanity 01:40
12 - Six feet under 01:12
13 - Bodily Dismemberment 01:46
14 - Repulsion 01:46
15 - The Lurking Fear 01:10
16 - Black Breath 02:17
17 - Maggots in your coffin 01:46
18 - Horrified 02:03


Grabado/lanzado en 1986 en el demo Slaughter of the innocent

1 comentario:

  1. https://uloz.to/file/mUtYmYry3mEH/repulsion-1989-horrified-320-zip#!ZGIyMGR2AGLjLzVmATL4MwyzL2EuMRuSoGAbFJWmETj5EGH3AD==
