14 de diciembre de 2024

Exit-13 - High life! (2007)

 Exit-13 - High life! (2007)

Exit-13 - High life! (2007)

Disco 01

01 - Societally provoked genocidal contemplation 05:06
02 - Ethos musick 01:44
03 - Facilitate the emancipation of your mummified mentality 04:27
04 - Diet for a new America 03:15
05 - Anthropocentric ecocidal conundrum 03:47
06 - Reevaluate life! 01:38
07 - Legalize hemp NOW! (including a warm wave of euphoria) 07:42
08 - Open Season (The story of hunter slaughter) 05:27
09 - My mind's mine! 04:32
10 - Earth first 04:39
11 - Only protest gives a hope for life 03:59
12 - Disemboweling party 01:40
13 - Legalize hemp NOW! 04:53
14 - A man and his lawnmower (versión de Dead Kennedys) 00:52
15 - Oral fixation 04:54
16 - Constant persistence of annoyance 02:17
17 - Wake up and change!04:02


Disco 02

1 - Gout d'Belgium 02:08
2 - Black weakeners 01:29
3 - Hopped up! (by the demon humulus lupulus) 02:03
4 - Storm of stress (versión de Terrorizer) 01:27
5 - Spare the wrench, surrender the earth 03:07
6 - Only hypocrisy prohibits legality 02:32
7 - Only protest gives a hope for life! 03:23
8 - Societally provoked genocidal contemplation 04:51
9 - My mind's mine! 04:32
10 - Anthropocentric ecocidal conundrum 03:34
11 - Reevaluate life! 01:23
12 - Gaia 02:24
13 - Unintended lyrical befuddlement 02:00
14 - An outline of intellectual rubbish 02:42
15 - Where's EXIT-13? 03:15
16 - Ecotopian visions 03:37
17 - Constant persistence of annoyance 02:01
18 - Inbreeding populations 01:58
19 - Self misunderstood cerebral masturbation 03:24
20 - The funk song 02:20 instrumental
21 - Get high on life 02:42
22 - Disemboweling party 01:28
23 - Shattnerspackle 01:36
24 - Terminal habitation 02:28
25 - Fingernails 02:06
26 - Conclusions on various religious frauds 02:10
27 - Political dismay 02:18
28 - Impaled 03:45
29 - Disemboweling party 01:32


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